The verdict is in your hands

While the government employees are having a party to celebrate their salary increment, the cafeteria of the new Federal Court house gets flooded! Thanks to the latest row of pipe leak. Beside the people’s taxes, I think the spending spree of the government was partly due to the high price of petroleum product during the past years.

Nevermind about that, the building is up, and I think the authorities need to approve more budget for building maintenance. And, we do not have to go far to see one that sure need urgent attention.

The newly constructed BOMBA station and residential along the Miri By-pass highway is not a model of the new city of Mirilon (City of Babylon). I don’t think the grasses that grow in the gutter is called for.

If we are to list it out in Miri.. more will appear here :D

Lunar shots

The Full Moon taken on 04th March 2007 at 20:15 +0800 GMT. It was not a good shot due to smoke emitted from the firework of the Chinese community celebrating Chap Goh Mei – that is the last day of the Lunar New Year celebration.


To answer some of your comment. The shots were taken from ground zero and at full 30x digital zoom.

The photo below was taken on: 28th February 2007 at 19:01 +800 GMT


 Taken on: 24th February 2007 (First Quarter) at 18:19 +0800 GMT


Taken on: 22nd February 2007 at 19:08 +0800 GMT


Taken using Olympus C-760 UltraZoom with exposure setting of 1/1000 per sec.

Banned but it was a great show

This photos was taken on Chinese New Year eve from Kampung Haji Wahed in Miri. Kampung Haji Wahed is located on the hill top next to the Petronas Science Museum near the Grand Old Lady.

Miri City at 11.17 pm


The photo below was taken at 12.02 midnight, just passed two minutes into the Chinese New Year. The sound of firecrackers and fireworks is deafening to the ears but it was a great show. I wondered how much was spend for welcoming the boar.


Eventhough firecrackers are banned in Malaysia but it doesn’t look like it in Miri. Forget about the why it was banned but look at why no unforseen accident like facial burnt was reported during the Chinese New Year.

Why we need to lift the ban?

Lift ban on firecrackers
By Celebrant, Miri

EVERY year, the arrival of the Lunar New Year is greeted by the noising letting off of firecrackers and booming fireworks stuffed with mild to strong explosives.

Read it all here at the Borneo Post Online.